Home » Watch: KJP doubles down on lying about Joe Biden pardoning hunter, plus she gets polling wrong

Watch: KJP doubles down on lying about Joe Biden pardoning hunter, plus she gets polling wrong

Karine Jean-Pierre will soon be out of a job but that does not mean she is going to leave her current one without the worst takes yet.
According to your favorite DEI hire, circumstances have changed, which is why Sleepy Joe pardoned his drug-addicted son and why he also might pardon a bunch of other people who have yet to be charged with any crimes.
NEW: Karine Jean-Pierre says she preemptively won’t talk about Biden’s potential preemptive pardons.

KJP also defended Biden’s decision to pardon Hunter because “circumstances have changed.”

“Thefactis,whenyouthinkabouthowthepresidentgottothisdecision,…pic.twitter.com/zDprOF9Uok —CollinRugg(@CollinRugg)December6,2024Thedefinitionofretributionis“punishmentinflictedonsomeoneasvengeanceforawrongorcriminalact.”Ifpeoplehavedonenothingwrong,theyshouldhavenothingtoworryabout.ButaccordingtoKJP,thiswasalldecidedovertheweekend,solelybasedoncircumstanceschanging. Isanyonebuyingthatcrap? Andtotopitoff,sheisnotonlyaliar,sheispainfullystupid. KarineJean-PierrerefusestoapologizeforrepeatedlyinsistingBidenwouldn