Home » A Million Degrees of Separation: You Won’t Believe How Rachel Maddow Connected Luigi Mangione to Trump

A Million Degrees of Separation: You Won’t Believe How Rachel Maddow Connected Luigi Mangione to Trump

Remember when Donald Trump held a big rally at Madison Square Garden, and liberals were so beside themselves that the only criticism they could come up with was that Nazis also had a rally in Madison Square Garden back in 1939, so Trump is literally Hitler? Well, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow may have topped that asinine comparison with a new one, and let’s just say that when MSNBC goes under, the liberal host will have no trouble at all finding a new career as a roller coaster designer. I’ve never seen someone take so many twists and turns to get to a point. 

Bynow,weknowthata26-year-oldfromMaryland—LuigiMangione—hasbeenchargedwiththemurderofUnitedHealthcareCEOandfatheroftwoBrianThompson.Andoverthelast24hours,themediahasdoneitsbesttopiecetogetherthedetailsofMangione’slifetodeterminewhatmotivatedhimtoshootamanincoldblood.  Whilethere’salotofinformationoutthere,onesourceofitwasMangione’sGoodreadsprofile.(Ifyou’reunfamiliarwithGoodreads,it’sessentiallyasocialmediasiteforbookloversthatallowsyoutokeeptrackofthebooksyoureadorwanttoreadand