Home » The Petty Reason Michelle Obama Is Skipping Trump’s Inauguration

The Petty Reason Michelle Obama Is Skipping Trump’s Inauguration

On Tuesday, we learned that Michelle Obama will be skipping Donald Trump’s inauguration next week. This follows her absence at Jimmy Carter’s funeral — she was the only living former first lady to miss the event — which raised some intriguing questions, like whether there are marital issues between her and Barack. The Obama office gave no explanation for her planned absence; however, sources close to Michelle claim that her decision to skip the inauguration is, in fact, about sending a “powerful statement.”

AccordingtoareportfromTheHill,longtimealliesofMichelle“sayshewantsnothingtodowithamanundeservingofthepresidencyandismakingnoefforttohideherdisdainforTrump.” “Shemeanteverywordshesaidonthecampaigntrailwitheveryfiberofherbeing,”onesourcetoldthepaper.“Andshe’snohypocrite.” Alongtimeaidealsosaidthatbynotattendingtheinauguration,MichelleObamais“savingsomecredibility.” “Shecampaignedthehardestagainsthimpersonally,ofanyone,”theaideadded. WhileshewillbetheonlyformerfirstladynotinattendanceatTrump’sinauguration