Home » WARREN PETERSEN: Katie Hobbs Seems Hellbent On Making Arizona’s Election Counting Laughing Stock Of Nation

WARREN PETERSEN: Katie Hobbs Seems Hellbent On Making Arizona’s Election Counting Laughing Stock Of Nation

Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoed a commonsense bill that would have allowed our state to provide voters with same-day election results, moving us further away from the disastrous reporting system that is found when California voters go to their polls.

Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoed a commonsense bill that would have allowed our state to provide voters with same-day election results, moving us further away from the disastrous reporting system that is found when California voters go to their polls. Rather than our current operation of keeping Arizona voters in the dark about certain results of critical election races every two years, this legislation closely mirrored policies and procedures found in the state of Florida, which has largely perfected its vote counting over recent election cycles.

Additionally,mycolleaguesandIworkedcloselywithabroadcoalitionofArizonastakeholders,includingmostofthestate’scountyrecordersandtheMaricopaCountyBoardofSupervisors–oneofthelargestjurisdictionsintheentirenation. Thisbillwassorelyneededinourstate.Yet,insteadofworkingwithRepublicansingoo